ARMPOL Przedsiębiorstwo Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe sp. z o.o. is the beneficiary of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme implemented under the European Regional Development Fund.
Grants for innovation.
We invest in your future.
Agreement for financing the participation in industry promotion program No. POIG.06.05.02-00-277/12-00. Project called "Development of export of PrzedsiębiorstwoInnowacyjno-Wdrożeniowego Armpol sp. z o.o." under the sub-measure 6.5.2 Support for the participation of undertakings in the promotion programs of measure 6.5 Promotion of Polish economy in Priority Axis 6 Polish economy on the international market of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013.
Contact person regarding the project
Marlena Florczyk
Armpol Przedsiębiorstwo Innowacyjno-Wdrożeniowe sp. z o.o.
ul. Okuniewska 1 lok. 2
05-070 Sulejówek
Tel. 22 783 37 41
Further information about the EU funds and programs
Unia European Union
European funds
Innovative Economy Operational Programme
Ministry of Infrastructure and Developement
Ministry of Economy