Rough terrain container transport set

Rough terrain container transport set KZT.15-01

Rough Terrain Container Transport Set type KZT.15-01 is designed for a comprehensive systemic transport of military equipment built in containers and 15-foot container bodies, on hardened roads and in the field.

Transport set KZT.15-01 is based on refurbished all-terrain vehicle STAR 266 (6x6), a modernized version to 266K STAR (6x6).

The transport set KZT.15-01 also comprises:

• sub-container frame RPK.15-01 (documentation marking RPK.15.01-;
• container transport box KST.15-01 (documentation marking KST.15.01-;
• off-road single axle trailer PTJ.04-01 (documentation marking PTJ.04.01- - manuf. by MONREX.

Alternatively - with container transport box KST.15-01, on container frame RPK.15-01 of STAR 266K vehicle the following can be built:

• container transport box KST.15-02 (documentation marking KST.15.02-;
• container body workshop KNW.15-01 (documentation marking KNW.15.01-;
• container command post MSD.PO-E1 (documentation marking MSD.PO.E1-;
• container box body KNF.15-01 (documentation marking KNF.15.01-;
• other container or specialized 15-foot container body built according to ISO standards.


Technical and operation parameters

Type of the transport set KZT.15-01
Documentation marking of the transport set KZT.15.01-
Empty weight of the basic version of the set 9 400 kg (7 700 kg vehicle + 1 700 kg trailer)
Acceptable total weight of the set 15 500 kg (11 500 kg vehicle + 4 000 kg trailer)
Acceptable weight of load 6 100 kg (3 800 kg vehicle + 2 300 kg trailer)
External dimensions of the set (length x width x height) 11,400 x 2,500 x 3,450 m
Acceptable set velocity up to 100 kph
Range of use temperature of the set from -30ºC to +55°C
Range of storage temperature of the set from -40ºC to +65ºC
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