Workshop containers

Maintenance and storage container workshop KWS.WZ-S2

Maintenance and storage container workshop type KWS.WZ-S2 is designed for rapid and efficient preparation, in the field or stationary position, of maintenance and repair for armored and high mobility vehicles in service in the Armed Forces.

Container workshop KWS.WZ-S2 is suitable for use in various climatic conditions (temperate - cold climate) and a variety of external lighting conditions.

Container workshop KWS.WZ-S2 includes:
  • workshop container KWS.KW-S2, documentation marking KWS.KW.S2-;
  • storage container KWS.KM-S2, documentation marking KWS.KM.S2-;
  • container workshop tent KWS.NW-S2, documentation marking KWS.NW.S2-

The container workshop equipment is housed in a container workshop KWS.KW-S2 and container storage KWS.KM-S2 - transported by truck with the trailer.

Power supply container workshop KWS.WZ-S2 is from the external source - power supply line 3x400v ~ or the on-board generator sets of workshop and warehouse containers, of total power equal 2 x 12.5 kVA. Filtering and ventilation equipment and air-conditioning of the workshop provides the crew with thermal comfort in the foreseeable conditions of use, including dusty and contamination conditions.

Modular structure of the utility compartments (workshop and storage) of the container ensures adaptation of the equipment up to the needs and the planned maintenance and repair tasks.

Additional foldable side tents of the container allow for performance of other works, also outside the container.

Preparation of container workshop KWS.WZ-S2 for operation is performed after the containers are removed from the means of transport - using autonomous hydraulic supports and setting the container directly on the ground.

Container workshops KWS.WZ-S2 are unified with the existing system of the container chassis transport and swap bodies systems used by Armed Forces.

Container workshop KWS.WZ-S2 is planned to be used at the repair battalion level and in Polish Military Contingents. 

Operating parameters

Type of container workshop  KWS.WZ-S2
Document marking of container workshop  KWS.WZ.S2-
Empty weight of workshop container basic version about 22 000 kg
Total weight of workshop with maximum equipment  up to 32 000 kg (depending on equipment)
Floor area of the workshop (length x width) 17.6 x 16.0 m (280 m²)
External dimensions of the container tent (length x width x height) 10,000 x 16.200 x 8.100 m
Time of disassembly of workshop container from means of transport  total up to 15 minutes
Preparation time of container workshop for operation up to 120 min (depending on conditions)
Range of use temperature of workshop container   from -30°C up to + 55°C
Range of storage temperature of workshop container  from -40°C up to + 65°C
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